Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Expectantly Awaiting Our LORD

    Christians face many obstacles to prepare for Christmas.  We have retailers, restaurants, and a myriad of other noises captivating our attention which lead to our affections.  This post is to give you the tools to better focus your attention on Jesus, His birth, life, death, and resurrection. I would like to take a moment to…

  • Back-To-School Foundations

    ‘Tis the season for families to get geared up for school!  The kids have grown and the fashions have changed over the last few months, which means, it’s back-to-school shopping!  Now for the kids, this may seem initially fun and exciting, but for the parents, it can be a dreadful experience; How will I pay…

  • The Restoration of Family

    The Restoration of Family

    Would you say that your family is solid; And by solid, I mean, grounded; And by grounded, I mean, focused on what’s most important in life?  Does the future of your family depend on you or someone else?  Before we embark on this broad and nuanced topic of life, we must first start from a basic definition…



    To begin, I want to give full disclosure that I am far from an authority on the topic of politics, but my purpose of this post is to shed some light into what I believe is an epidemic of voter negligence.  I am a proponent of parents of children being the primary voice of instruction…

  • The Weight of Death

    The Weight of Death

    In a world where death is common, one would think that you would get accustomed to the reality that things die, people die, and that death is not a new concept.  We go on with life, day in and day out, all the while knowing that our day to look death in the eye is just…

  • Are You An Ally?

    Are You An Ally?

    Let me begin by saying that I know this title and image are going to put people on the defensive immediately, but that is all part of the plan.  Please take the time to grab some coffee, or whatever beverage you prefer and sit back and listen intently on what I’m about to say.  This…

  • Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

    Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

    Busy, busy, busy!!!  Aren’t we the busiest people ever to walk the planet since the beginning of mankind?  What I mean by “we” is, anyone who wakes in the morning and checks their calendar for the day’s and week’s events.   Now don’t get me wrong, being organized with the day’s tasks is orderly and good.…

  • Misaligned Assignment

    Misaligned Assignment

    How did we get here?  Have we always been here, but could it be that I’ve been too blind to see it?  Am I the only one who sees this as more than a religiously moral issue? What I’m talking about is Transgender Identity.  Maybe you are unfamiliar with this identification – if so, this…

  • Praiseworthy Enough?

    Praiseworthy Enough?

    I have a question I have been mulling over lately, a test, if you will. The test? “Is catastrophe praiseworthy?”  My hypothesis?  “Praiseworthiness can only be validated through the good that comes through God.” One can not simply make a hypothesis without verifying it through empirical data.  Let me share a most recent experience to…

  • Gratitude is a 4-Letter Word

    Gratitude is a 4-Letter Word

    Why is it so hard to say “thank you” and actually mean it?  Think about the times during Thanksgiving when peer pressure forces you to give one thing that you are thankful for.  You knew that moment would come didn’t you?  However, some people would rather perform their own appendectomy before they would give thanks.…

Got any book recommendations?